One Sentence Movies

"Where a teen writes one sentence reviews about movies."

The (main) Writer

Hi, this is PizzaBro4705, and I created this blog for my family, my friends, and I to all talk about movies. If you are apart of one of the groups above, email me at to become one of the authors. Please include in the email, your first and last names, your relation to me, and why or what you would like to write about.


  1. So, now I know who PizzaBro4705 is! Fun blog. My older son, Josh, ate pizza once or twice a day when he was in college. It was his secret for keeping his weight up, because he worked out a lot, especially when he had to pay for his own food - most calories for the least price, and tasty, too. What's your favorite or, that is?

    1. Really, I got the title "Pizza Bro": We had gone to Little Caesars the previous Sunday, and their were leftovers, two slices of pizza left. Soren and I grabbed them, and he called us Pizza-bro's. That was 2014, I believe?

    2. That's funny. So, I guess that makes Soren a Pizza Bro, too!

    3. Yeah I even, call him the 2nd pizzabro sometimes


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